Desi Shaw

Shawnigan Lake School

Class of 2025

Click here to learn more about Desi.

Developed counterterrorism measures with Yobe State University in Northern Nigeria to protect the local community from Boko Haram.

Worked with community leaders in Nigeria to address the impact of human trafficking in local communities.

Click here to view Desi's achievements.

Deering (Desi) Shaw is incredibly excited to be participating in the National Security & Intelligence Internship this summer and to work with a school in South Africa, members of the Pentagon, and ex military personnel. She is elated to have the opportunity to help and work with fellow students in this type of learning environment.

Desi is a rising sophomore as an international student at Shawnigan Lake School in British Columbia, Canada. Desi has received multiple awards and honors such as Best Delegate of VMUN 2022 (SOCHUM), Dean's Dinner, a member of the Grade 9 RoundTable, certified in Technical Rope Rescues by the Shawnigan Lake Fire Hall, and is in an advanced Grade 10 math class. She is committed to her academic career and advancing her studies, as well as her co-curricular and sport life. She plays on her school's female rugby, hockey, and field hockey teams, and is a member of the Model United Nations (MUN) club. Desi participates in service activities run by the school and in her free time enjoys baking and playing her electric bass.

Continuing after her high school career, Desi is making plans which include possible time as a military personnel as a tactician, working in international politics, and being an active part of the USA government. Her love for politics stemmed from VMUN 2022 and she is excited to be applying for an exchange to South Africa or Scotland next spring. She is also building her repertoire by attending an Oxbridge program later this summer in a course focused on international relations studies.

National Security & Intelligence Internship

In 2022, Desi attended the National Security & Intelligence Internship, where she developed counterterrorism measures for Yobe State University,

Since 2021, Desi has participated in the International Internship Program, where she developed materials to advocate against of human trafficking in Bauchi, Nigeria.

International Internship Program

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Leadership Initiatives has been committed to community-led projects since the organization’s founding over 15 years ago. We began working directly with communities in 2003 at a grassroots level, where we believe development has the greatest impact. It is in these communities where women, men, and youth can discover their voice, assert their rights, and mobilize action to achieve their aspirations.