Ty'shea Woods

Garrison Forest High School

Class of 2022

Click Here To Learn More About Ty'shea

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a lacus vestibulum sed arcu non odio euismod lacinia at quis risus sed vulputate odio ut enim blandit volutpat maecenas

a lacus vestibulum sed arcu non odio euismod lacinia at quis risus sed vulputate odio ut enim blandit volutpat maecenas

Tyshea Woods is a rising junior at Garrison Forest School. Tyshea is a driven and hard-working person in and outside of the classroom as she balances Advanced Placement courses, honors courses, varsity basketball, dance and the work she does to build an inclusive community at her school.

Tyshea plays basketball and dances with her school. She also enjoys painting, drawing, and styling hair in her free time. Tyshea leads her International Business Internship Program team and is a part of her school’s orientation team. She is also a part of her school's Student Diversity Leadership Council and the Black Student Alliance. She is now working to create a program for her school that allows for conversation around current events and controversial topics in America. Tyshea is elated to participate in the National Security and Intelligence Summit this summer. She has always been fascinated by National security and how different organizations work together to protect communities from threats like terrorism. Tyshea hopes to take the skills and lessons she has learned and create changes in her community that help others and results in a safe environment for everyone.

Click Here To View Ty'shea's Achievements

Youth Development Programs

In 2019, Ty'shea attended LI's Advanced Medical & Public Health Internship.

In 2020, Ty'shea attended LI's National Security & Intelligence Internship.

In 2020, Ty'shea and her International Public Health Internship Team are working to improve maternal health in Bauchi State, Nigeria.

International Internship Program

In Fall 2020, Ty'shea became an intern for Leadership Initiatives.

Leadership Initiatives Intern

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Leadership Initiatives has been committed to community-led projects since the organization’s founding over 15 years ago. We began working directly with communities in 2003 at a grassroots level, where we believe development has the greatest impact. It is in these communities where women, men, and youth can discover their voice, assert their rights, and mobilize action to achieve their aspirations.