Collaborated with a group of the world’s premier scientists, professors, and professionals in the fields of neuroscience and neuroethics.

Synthesized new neuroscience knowledge into a research proposal for a cutting-edge neuroscience experiment.

Engaged in interactive activities with discussions about cognitive neuroscience and neuroethics in a cross-cultural setting through a biophysical lens.

Read more about Seungmyoung here.

Seungmyoung Lee

Branksome Hall

Class of 2023

Seungmyoung Lee is a motivated and empathetic student with a strong passion for children's health and the intersections between Psychology and Neuroscience. She is completing her International Baccalaureate and Ontario Secondary School Diploma at Branksome Hall, Toronto, Canada.

Seungmyoung participates in numerous activities related to youth mental health and scientific research as her passion lies in helping young people thrive and live happier lives through a stronger understanding of their brain, mind, and health. At school, she is a Co-Head of her school's HOSA chapter and a Co-Head of Chamber Strings. She is also the Diversity Council Student Life Representative of the senior school, sharing her enthusiasm for improving wellness through Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. She is a National Conference Coordinator at LetsStopAIDS and is one of the 18 Youth Advisors at the Canadian Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. She is currently conducting research about CRISPR's role in alleviating colour-blindness with one of the Neuroscience labs at Brown University. Seungmyoung enjoys playing the violin, doing yoga, meditating, and sharing her stories and experiences with others.

Seungmyoung is excited to join the Advanced Neuroscience Internship and Medical and Public Health Internship this summer. This is as she is looking forward to communicating with amazing professors with strong backgrounds in Neuroscience/Health research and to gaining further motivation to expand her knowledge so that she can continue supporting young people through Neuroscience and Medicine. She is also very excited to gain a global perspective in issues related to Neuroscience and Public Health as she is able to meet interns from numerous backgrounds and to share her stories with them.

Read more about Seungmyoung's achievements here.

Leadership Initiatives is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is dedicated to creating future leaders across the globe through experiential learning. In the Advanced Medical Neuroscience Internship, I worked directly with some of the world’s leading scientists to learn about neuroethics, neurocognitive health, and revolutionary developments in the field.

At the conclusion of the internship, I presented my research proposal to a panel of judges including Dr. James Giordano, Dr. John Shook, and Dr. Michael Heinrich. Respectively, these judges are the Chair of Georgetown University’s Neuroethics Studies Program, Philosopher and Bowie State University Professor, and Coburg University’s School of Design Dean of Studies.

In order to address the lack of research surrounding autism traits in females, I presented this proposal to this distinguished panel of judges. I proposed a research method that would compare the activity in the insula and anterior cingulate of people who are diagnosed early and late on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) when exercising their restricted interest.

Read my proposal here.

My Research Proposal

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My research posed the answer to the question, “What is the relationship between affective neural activity, restricted interest, and age of diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder?”

In order to answer this question, I proposed a methodology that would separate a population of 30 girls with ASD into groups based on diagnosed age. The groups will then be put through six runs of an fMRI scanner with three varying blocks of images. After the fMRI runs, the procedure will follow the design of the Canli et al experiment.

The anticipated findings suggest that females diagnosed with ASD at a younger age will have a greater activity in the insula prompting further awareness of gender bias and research into the diagnosis of females with autism.

See my research proposal presentation here.

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The Frontier of Neuroscience

Deep Brain Stimulation

I had the unique opportunity to speak with Dr. Michael Okun, founder of the University of Florida’s movement disorders program.

Within his work, Dr. Okun utilizes Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), which operates like a pacemaker within the brain and is often inserted via conscious surgery

Electrodes are put in the brain to regulate electrical signals and help with conditions like Epilepsy, Parkinson’s Disease, Dystonia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Essential Tremor.

Quantitative Neuroscience Research Methods

Dr. Sebastian Sauer discussed how data is mined from social media and how natural language processing is able to interpret the tone of a post and discern the original intent of the poster.

We explored how this method of quantifying word choice can contextualize how people feel in a broader societal exchange, allowing for the extension of research to the biophysical sphere.

Then we connected this metrics to its implications of what is occuring in the brain when interacting with social media over time, revealing its role along the spectrum of involvement.

Internship Highlights

Dr. James Giordano

Dr. James Giordano


Brain~Mind Interventions

Experts & Mentors

I had the chance to work and collaborate directly with Dr. James Giordano, Chief of Georgetown University’s Neuroethics Studies Program. In addition to his involvement with a variety of educational institutions, Dr. Giordano is the author of over 350 publications in neuroscience and neuroethics.

During our first meeting, I got a crash course on the biological mind of our species. I learned about the major role our subconscious plays in our thinking, and how these thoughts rarely breach our consciousness.

This new knowledge prompted a debate over free will, whether we maintain true control over our mental functions, and the crucial implications for both our individuals and social lives.


I learned about the anatomy and physiology of the brain in a demonstrative lecture from Dr. Giordano.

The brain is protected by the skull and is composed of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem. It embodies an individual’s mind and soul, in conjunction with governing intelligence, creativity, emotion, and memory.

This amazing organ is not only of use to us in life but in death as well. After explaining the brain’s anatomy and physiology, Dr. Giordano outlined the use of Brain Banks, which are organizations that accept brains for research that is instrumental in mitigating the effects and prevalence of neurocognitive disease.

Brain~Mind Interventions

Brain~Mind Interventions are utilized for the treatment, wellness, and enhancement of the mind and brain. These interventions can be categorized into “Low-tech” and “High-tech” Brain~Mind Interventions.

“Low-tech” Brain~Mind Interventions allow you to modify the interactions between the brain and mind through accessible and non-invasive techniques. In contrast, “High-tech” Brain~Mind Interventions are less accessible and can involve invasive procedures.

This new knowledge allowed me to assess the intersection between brain, mind, and body and how they can work together to improve the wellbeing of an individual.

Experts & Mentors

Along with Dr. Giordano, I had the opportunity to work closely with Dr. Rachel Wurzman, a Fellow with the Center for Neuroscience & Society and Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Neurology with the Laboratory of Neural Stimulation at the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Wurzman lent her expertise of neuroplasticity, neurodiversity, and neuroethics to help our team develop our research proposal.

In addition to Dr. Wurzman’s assistance, my team worked directly with Professor Heather Aranyi, leading communication coach and faculty in Northwestern University’s Farley Center for Entrepreneurship. Professor Aranyi helped us develop the story behind our proposal, properly contextualize our research, and hone our presentation skills.