Leadership Initiatives Student Testimonials
Advanced Medical & Public
Health Summit Testimonial
Student Name:
I had an extremely rewarding and informational experience as an intern part of this public health internship. Interacting with Nigerian doctors, seeing real patients, learning how to treat, prevent, and diagnose diseases, learning how to suture, make a cast, examine labs, etc. are all skills and experiences that I will definitely carry with me as I progress into my future career in the medical field. My final public health project was extremely useful in allowing me to not only understand and learn about the diseases but also how to help those in need of prevention from these diseases and how to protect those in high-risk areas."
Warren High School, Class of 2021
Advanced Medical & Public Health Summit
Summer Program:
Isabel M.
International Leadership &
Business Internship Summit
Student Name:
Mr. Gali Yusuf is one of the most hard-working, family-oriented men that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. His work ethic to provide for his family is so inspiring and continued to motivate me to find ways to help his business because he deserves it. These past two weeks has only made me want the best for him and his family and I'm so excited to see how our ideas will continue to benefit him."
Issaquah High School , Class of 2021
Summer Program:
Chibueze A.
International Leadership & Business Internship
Advanced Law & Trial
Internship Summit
Student Name:
While we got to meet many amazing people and learn many interesting things, my favorite experience was working with my teammates and discussing with the staff. Everyone was so much fun to work with, I loved the environment and atmosphere that the staff and team leads created."
Charter School of Wilmington, Class of 2021
Advanced Law & Trial Internship Summit Tier I
Summer Program:
Nick K.
Student Name:
Advanced Medical Neuroscience
Internship Summit
At the Leadership Initiatives Medical Neuroscience Summit I had the opportunity to interact and talk to leading neuroscientists in the country and I gained valuable knowledge concerning a variety of topics including neuroethics, neuroimaging, psychology, neuroanatomy, and many others. In addition to gaining more insight into the field of neuroscience, I gained training in writing a research proposal and using neuroimaging software. I had the privilege to work with four other hardworking students in the program on a research proposal that has the potential to be published."
Student Name:
College Station High School, Class of 2021
Advanced Medical Neuroscience Internship Summit
Summer Program:
Riya P.
Student Name:
National Security &
Intelligence Internship
The Leadership Initiatives National Security and Intelligence Summit was a great way to spend my summer. Despite many internships being canceled due to COVID-19, Leadership Initiative still ran their programs by moving to an online format. In the program, my team and I worked to create a plan to protect Yobe State University, which is in Nigeria, from threats presented by the terrorist group Boko Haram. Over the course of two weeks, we got to consult with security experts from the US military, FBI, and NSA as we created our security solution. Our final solution included training for an active-shooter attack at the university for students, faculty, and security staff, as well as social awareness training in order for everyone at the university to have the ability to identify a potential threat. We also purchased walkie-talkies in order for the security staff to communicate, because they currently do not have any working equipment."
National Security & Intelligence Internship
Summer Program:
Brigid W.
Willows Academy, Class of 2023
My daughter Lucy's transformation is an amazing one to us. She has always been a good student but there is now a sense of direction and focus, a personal invigoration, as well as a greater sense of happiness and satisfaction that shines through her, which we believe stems from her believing in herself more and having a more clear path that she has created for herself.
We couldn’t have asked for more. "
Parent Name:
American Heritage School, Class of 2021
Advanced Medical & Public Health Summit
Summer Program:
Lily W.
Student Mentorship
Leadership Initiatives opens doors for all those involved. For example, when I was accepted into Georgetown University, Leadership Initiatives lined up calls for me to speak with a professor about scholarship opportunities and a neurosurgeon to learn about the medical school."
Student Name:
Graduate from the University of Notre Dame
International Leadership & Business Internship Summit
Summer Program:
Anna K.
I took the SAT twice my junior year on exams I scored exactly the same, 1100. I was devastated because this score was not high enough for me to run track at the collegiate level.
I started on Testrocker days later and kept up with it almost every day until my next scheduled SAT in October of my senior year and received a score of 1310.
I increased my score by 210 points in a matter of months as a result of TestRocker's online testing, practice quizzes, and video tutorials!"
Student Name:
Saint Joseph’s University, Class of 2022
International Leadership & Business Internship Summit
Summer Program:
Ashley M.
Student Testimonials On The Mentorship Progra
Student Mentorship
In my mentor, I have found someone who has seen the world. Someone who has made a life for themselves and their family. Someone who is living the American Dream. Someone who has walked a path and is now showing me how to follow in their footsteps."
Student Name:
International Leadership & Business Internship Summit
Earning a business degree to create her own company
Summer Program:
Jurnee D.
Student Mentorship
Leadership Initiatives opens doors for all those involved. For example, when I was accepted into Georgetown University, Leadership Initiatives lined up calls for me to speak with a professor about scholarship opportunities and a neurosurgeon to learn about the medical school."
Student Name:
International Leadership & Business Internship Summit
Attending The University of Notre Dame on a full-ride academic & leadership scholarship.
Summer Program:
Anna K.
Student Mentorship
Having a mentor like Chip has been and will continue to be very beneficial to me because of his proven success, his work ethic and most importantly the amount of interest he has in seeing me succeed."
Student Name:
International Leadership & Business Internship Summit
Partnered with Chip Kunde, Vice President of Government Relations for Sysco, a multinational food distribution corporation with over $50 billion in annual revenue
Summer Program:
Korben L.
Letter of Recommendation Testimonials
Letters Of
I almost cried after reading my letter of recommendation and Mr. Bailly's offer to call Georgetown University on my behalf.
The recommendation letter I received from Mr. Bailly illustrated what our team accomplished during our time with LI and highlighted how I was building a better life for my business partner and myself.
This letter was incredible and I believe it will help me get into the school of my dreams."
See Her Letter of Recommendation Here
Student Name:
International Leadership & Business Internship Summit
Attending American University
Summer Program:
Julia G.
Letters Of
Mr. Bailly's letter of recommendation was all I could ask for.
Every step of the way he has encouraged me to reach for my dreams, he has called college admissions offices for me, set up personal meetings with individuals to make me a better student and worked with Leadership Initiatives partners to have my college essays and my scholarship applications professionally reviewed.
I feel because of him I have become the best student and candidate I could be."
See His Letter of Recommendation Here
Student Name:
International Leadership & Business Internship Summit
Starting his second year at Stanford University
Summer Program:
Ricky T.
Letters Of
This program has made me a better leader, has taught me how I can transform the world and allowed me to transform lives.
Marshall's letter of recommendation showcased all of that and has been able to show colleges not only who I am but who I hope to become. Beyond that, Marshall has called admissions offices on my behalf and worked at all hours to make my team become successful.
Every step of the way, Marshall helped me learn more about myself and who I can be someday."
See Her Letter of Recommendation Here
Student Name:
International Leadership & Business Internship Summit
Attending the University of Florida
Summer Program:
Catherine W.
Letters Of
I almost cried after reading my letter of recommendation and Mr. Bailly's offer to call Georgetown University on my behalf.
The recommendation letter I received from Mr. Bailly illustrated what our team accomplished during our time with LI and highlighted how I was building a better life for my business partner and myself.
This letter was incredible and I believe it will help me get into the school of my dreams."
See Her Letter of Recommendation Here
Student Name:
International Leadership & Business Internship
American University
Summer Program:
Julia G.
Letters Of
Mr. Bailly's letter of recommendation was all I could ask for.
Every step of the way he has encouraged me to reach for my dreams, he has called college admissions offices for me, set up personal meetings with individuals to make me a better student and worked with Leadership Initiatives partners to have my college essays and my scholarship applications professionally reviewed.
I feel because of him I have become the best student and candidate I could be."
See His Letter of Recommendation Here
Student Name:
International Leadership & Business Internship
Starting his second year at Stanford University
Summer Program:
Ricky T.
Letters Of
This program has made me a better leader, has taught me how I can transform the world and allowed me to transform lives.
Marshall's letter of recommendation showcased all of that and has been able to show colleges not only who I am but who I hope to become. Beyond that, Marshall has called admissions offices on my behalf and worked at all hours to make my team become successful.
Every step of the way, Marshall helped me learn more about myself and who I can be someday."
See Her Letter of Recommendation Here
Student Name:
International Leadership & Business Internship
University of Florida
Summer Program:
Catherine W.
Summer Partner Testimonials
Summer Program Partner
What I really like about the students is that they want to help us with our fish farming business.
Anna and Hunter have helped us maintain our fish, taught me new ways to reuse our water and helped us learn how to use dead fish for other purposes to grow our profits in the market.
We can now feed more members of our community and my family and staff could afford a better education and life."
See Shehu's First Bucket Of Fish Over 100 Kilograms Here!
Student Name:
International Leadership & Business Internship Summit
Implementing new student solutions to kill bacteria, allowing fish to grow at a faster rate.
Fish Farming Partner:
Shehu G.
Summer Program Partner
I cannot thank Grace enough, my family is poor and when I got sick we could not afford to travel to the hospital.
When Grace and Leadership Initiatives offered to diagnosis and pay for my treatment, I felt my life was saved.
Even though I had Malaria, I now knew what illness I was up against and finally had the medication to fight it, thank you, thank you, thank you. "
See Fatima's Student Diagnosis Here
Student Name:
Advanced Medical and Public Health Summit
Fully recovered and starting work at a catering shop
Medical Patient:
Fatima B.
Summer Program Partner
I love the students, they care so much and really want me to succeed.
Because of the students, my business will have an advertising plan, a new rotating menu with new American deserts and dishes that will continue to add to my faithful customers.
The new menu they created gives my business a professional feel that will allow me to compete in Birshi. I am so honored to call Leia and her team my family. "
See Deborah's New Menu Here
Student Name:
International Leadership & Business Internship Summit
Restaurant owner and proud of her new recipes for American mixed berry cobbler
Restaurant Partner:
Deborah O.
Student SAT/ACT Training Testimonials
I took the SAT twice my junior year on exams I scored exactly the same, 1100. I was devastated because this score was not high enough for me to run track at the collegiate level.
I started on Testrocker days later and kept up with it almost every day until my next scheduled SAT in October of my senior year and received a score of 1310.
I increased my score by 210 points in a matter of months as a result of TestRocker's online testing, practice quizzes, and video tutorials!"
Student Name:
International Leadership & Business Internship Summit
Running Track As A Freshman At Saint Joseph’s University
Summer Program:
Ashley M.
I dreaded the SAT and always thought I was a poor test taker.
Then I began working with TestRocker and realized that all I really needed was a plan and some practice. Leadership Initiatives helped me find the average SAT scores for my top University picks and TestRocker is training me to surpass those scores.
I am now excited to surpass my own expectations. "
Student Name:
International Leadership & Business Internship Summit
Working on her SAT scores while creating new dress designs for her tailoring business partner.
Summer Program:
DaShay R.
"Test Rocker has really helped me in identifying which skills I need to improve on in order to succeed on the ACT.
The video explanations are immensely useful in augmenting my understanding on a certain subject, and the practice quizzes after most modules aids in keeping one accountable for what they know.
Overall, I cannot express how much Testrocker has meant to me."
Student Name:
Advanced Law and Trial Internship Summit
Studying for her future while creating business cards and an advertising plan for Zainab Mahmud and her Yogurt Business
Summer Program:
Miliana B.
Advanced Law & Trial Internship Testimonials
Advanced Law & Trial
Internship Summit
I was able to meet with congress members on behalf of our client. This experience allowed me to learn more about the art of lobbying and advocacy. Throughout the weeks I was also afforded the opportunity to speak with various law professors and professionals. From gender discrimination experts to former U.S. Attorney generals, I learned a lot about the various fields of law. I was even able to aid in the preparation of the client, through cross-examination."
Student Name:
West Nottingham Academy, Class of 2021
Advanced Law & Trial Internship Summit Tier I
Summer Program:
Nndidi C.
Advanced Law & Trial
Internship Summit
An obstacle I faced during the internship was with a few of the questions I had planned on asking during my cross-examination with the witness. I struggled to understand which questions would eventually be beneficial to the client. To overcome this challenge, I spent time with Mr. Weber and asked for his opinions. He informed me that what I was planning on implying about the witness through my questions would be illegal, and helped me understand what lines I would be crossing had I gone down that path of questioning. Further, other advocacy professionals and attorneys met with me and gave me insight into how to improve my questions."
Student Name:
Fairfax High School, Class of 2021
Advanced Law & Trial Internship Summit Tier I
Summer Program:
Abirami K.
Advanced Law & Trial
Internship Summit
My experience as an intern with Leadership Initiatives has been amazing. I have attended congressional meetings, where I successfully advocated for my client. I have also written my own case brief to help the client's lawyer with the trial and I have created my own set of direct examination questions to help prepare my client for trial. Creating the direct examination questions was my final project and it was extremely important since my client gets to prepare for her trial."
Student Name:
North Providence High School, Class of 2021
Advanced Law & Trial Internship Summit Tier I
Summer Program:
Abigail A.
Advanced Law & Trial
Internship Summit
While we got to meet many amazing people and learn many interesting things, my favorite experience was working with my teammates and discussing with the staff. Everyone was so much fun to work with, I loved the environment and atmosphere that the staff and team leads created."
Student Name:
Charter School of Wilmington, Class of 2021
Advanced Law & Trial Internship Summit Tier I
Summer Program:
Nick K.
Advanced Law & Trial
Internship Summit
I loved being able to implement all the information I gathered from the guest speakers that came and talked to us in week one. Being able to think from Michelle's point of view and coming up with questions was actually harder than I expected, but it ended up going pretty smoothly. During the mock direct examination, Michelle didn't always answer the questions exactly as I plan for. I quickly reorganized and reworded my following questions to direct the topic back to what I was going for."
Student Name:
The Tatnall School, Class of 2022
Advanced Law & Trial Internship Summit Tier I
Summer Program:
Simone M.
Advanced Medical & Public Health Internship Testimonials
Advanced Medical & Public Health
Internship Summit Testimonial
I had an extremely rewarding and informational experience as an intern part of this public health internship. Interacting with Nigerian doctors, seeing real patients, learning how to treat, prevent, and diagnose diseases, learning how to suture, make a cast, examine labs, etc. are all skills and experiences that I will definitely carry with me as I progress into my future career in the medical field. My final public health project was extremely useful in allowing me to not only understand and learn about the diseases but also how to help those in need of prevention from these diseases and how to protect those in high-risk areas."
Student Name:
Warren High School, Class of 2021
Advanced Medical & Public Health Summit
Summer Program:
Isabel Medrano
Advanced Medical & Public Health
Internship Summit Testimonial
The Advanced Medical and Public Health Summit gave me real-world experience creating and implementing a public health campaign in Nigeria. I learned how to diagnose and treat diseases and how to suture, use a stethoscope and make plaster casts. This program’s hands-on approach gave me insights far beyond any classroom lecture. At the culmination of the program, I joined a medical team in Nigeria and helped diagnose and treat a 1-year-old patient using the skills I learned. This changed the world for this young girl and for me. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Leadership Initiatives’ talented doctors and experts and learn from my brilliant peers."
Student Name:
The Bullis School, Class of 2021
Advanced Medical & Public Health Summit
Summer Program:
Sara P.
Advanced Medical & Public Health
Internship Summit Testimonial
My favorite part of the program was the public health campaign. Even though my connections are limited, the international network of Leadership Initiatives made it possible for me to make a difference in Bauchi State, Nigeria. Through the public health campaign, I also learned about how this field and the importance of health education applies to my everyday life."
Student Name:
Crean Lutheran High School, Class of 2022
Advanced Medical & Public Health Summit
Summer Program:
Sarah L.
Advanced Medical & Public Health
Internship Summit Testimonial
The goal of my public health campaign is to inform and educate children, the age group at highest risk, on how to prevent contracting malaria. In order to target children, my public health campaign focuses on the Leadership Initiatives Orphan Care and Independence Program center in Bauchi State, Nigeria. My group and I designed a lesson plan for the caretakers at the orphanage to present to the children as well as various educational activity pages that will motivate the children to concentrate on the preventative measures being taught. Since this important information will be implemented at a young age, the children will easily adapt daily preventative measures early on in their lives.
Student Name:
Concord Carlisle Regional High School, Class of 2023
Advanced Medical & Public Health Summit
Summer Program:
Rhone-Ann H.
Advanced Medical & Public Health
Internship Summit Testimonial
My team designed a public health campaign that addressed the lack of information about malaria available to children. Children are at high risk for malaria because they do not have fully functioning and strong immune systems. Also, many children in Nigeria are not even aware that such a disease exists or how to prevent it. We designed our campaign with these children in mind; our campaign consists of fun activities that will help build their knowledge about preventing malaria. We are working with LI's Orphan Care Center in Nigeria. We have created lesson plans to give to the orphanage caregivers that will teach the children living there about malaria in an easy to understand, kid-friendly format."
Student Name:
Georgetown Visitation Prep School, Class of 2023
Advanced Medical & Public Health Summit
Summer Program:
McKenna C.
Advanced Medical Neuroscience Internship Testimonials
Advanced Medical Neuroscience
Internship Summit
At the Leadership Initiatives Medical Neuroscience Summit I had the opportunity to interact and talk to leading neuroscientists in the country and I gained valuable knowledge concerning a variety of topics including neuroethics, neuroimaging, psychology, neuroanatomy, and many others. In addition to gaining more insight into the field of neuroscience, I gained training in writing a research proposal and using neuroimaging software. I had the privilege to work with four other hardworking students in the program on a research proposal that has the potential to be published."
Student Name:
College Station High School, Class of 2021
Advanced Medical Neuroscience Internship Summit
Summer Program:
Riya P.
Advanced Medical Neuroscience
Internship Summit
I had a great experience with Leadership Initiatives this summer. Through the Advanced Medical Neuroscience Summit, I was able to learn about cutting-edge developments in neuroscience from the top experts in the field. I enjoyed hearing about intriguing topics in neuroscience from the lecturers, such as neuro-ethics, neuro-law, and neuroscience in film. One of these lectures inspired our group’s final project, which was about how mindfulness practices could alleviate stress due to online learning in students. The judges were impressed with our project, and I was proud knowing that the research proposal we created was something that could make a difference in the real world."
Student Name:
Mount Saint Joseph High School, Class of 2021
Advanced Medical Neuroscience Internship Summit
Summer Program:
Joseph P.
Advanced Medical Neuroscience
Internship Summit
I loved this internship program. It granted me new knowledge about not just only the brain but also how the world works through what our brains perceive. I'm glad to have come out of my shell and meet other amazing and smart people. It was so much fun getting to work with my group to create a research topic that was meaningful to all of us allowing us to come together to share knowledge with each other."
Student Name:
Bishop McNamara High School, Class of 2022
Advanced Medical Neuroscience Internship Summit
Summer Program:
Kaitlyn P.
Advanced Medical Neuroscience
Internship Summit
My experience at the Advanced Medical Neuroscience Summit included a rare opportunity to attend daily lectures and virtual meetings with neuroscience experts from Georgetown University and other schools in the United States and Germany, ranging in topics from neuroimaging, free will, neurolaw, consciousness, and neuroethics to neurogenetics, neuro weapons, neuroscience fiction, neuroaesthetics, and neurodiversity. Also, my neuroscience research proposal received positive feedback from the entire panel of experts and helped me gain leadership and teamwork skills."
Student Name:
Thomas Jefferson High School, Class of 2024
Advanced Medical Neuroscience Internship Summit
Summer Program:
Benjamin C.
Advanced Medical Neuroscience
Internship Summit
My experience at the Advanced Medical Neuroscience Summit was amazing. I enjoyed watching all of the lectures, especially the one about fMRI and the brain bank. My final project was about how looking at your own face in a group setting affects your divergent thinking performance. I had to read multiple articles to see what was known and what was not known. I learned a lot about creativity in the brain and EEGs. Overall, my experience at the summit was something that I’ll never forget."
Student Name:
Willows Academy, Class of 2022
Advanced Medical Neuroscience Internship Summit
Summer Program:
Emma N.
International Leadership & Business Internship Testimonials
Mr. Gali Yusuf is one of the most hard-working, family-oriented men that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. His work ethic to provide for his family is so inspiring and continued to motivate me to find ways to help his business because he deserves it. These past two weeks has only made me want the best for him and his family and I'm so excited to see how our ideas will continue to benefit him."
Student Name:
Issaquah High School , Class of 2021
Summer Program:
Chibueze A.
International Leadership &
Business Internship
International Leadership & Business Internship
Can you describe your experience working with your business partner? Collaborating with Rashaida, our translator, and Gloria herself was so eye-opening. I was very inspired by Gloria’s goal to help young girls in her community. It was very empowering how determined she was to help these young girls out of the cycle of poverty in her community. She was a lovely person to work with, very compassionate and kind-hearted."
Student Name:
Georgetown Visitation Preparatory , Class of 2022
Summer Program:
Isabelle E.
International Leadership &
Business Internship
International Leadership & Business Internship
Our business executive expert provided our team with valuable advice which definitely elevated our presentation. I am so grateful for his patience and time, especially when we would practice our presentation with him multiple times. The knowledge he imparted upon us will not only help us with this internship but will support us in our future career paths as well."
Student Name:
South Lakes High School, Class of 2021
Summer Program:
Urvi D.
International Leadership &
Business Internship
International Leadership & Business Internship
The business I helped create is a tailoring business named "GB Clothing Design". As apart of the advertising team, I helped create a logo, slogan, and overall brand. We designed a plan that involved a referral program and physical advertisements to help her gain more customers, as well as a booking system to help our business partner to stay more organized."
Student Name:
Cheltenham High School, Class of 2022
Summer Program:
Jahmore M.
International Leadership &
Business Internship
International Leadership & Business Internship
International Leadership &
Business Internship
The business we helped create was a restaurant in Bauchi, Nigeria. My business partner's name is Ms. Adamu. She is a very generous and resilient person who inspires me. Our business plan consisted of an advertisement and the menu. We made a new logo, menu, fliers, incentive program, business cards, and a Facebook page. I helped create the menu and the incentive program which is something I worked very hard on. Lastly, we worked on creating a simple and eye-catching 10-minute presentation that would allow us to earn a grant and help Ms. Adamu. I am very confident in our presentation and I think my team and I will do great."
Student Name:
Tahoma High School, Class of 2023
International Leadership & Business Internship
Summer Program:
Tanveer G.
National Security & Intelligence Internship Testimonials
National Security &
Intelligence Internship
The Leadership Initiatives National Security and Intelligence Summit was a great way to spend my summer. Despite many internships being canceled due to COVID-19, Leadership Initiative still ran their programs by moving to an online format. In the program, my team and I worked to create a plan to protect Yobe State University, which is in Nigeria, from threats presented by the terrorist group Boko Haram. Over the course of two weeks, we got to consult with security experts from the US military, FBI, and NSA as we created our security solution. Our final solution included training for an active-shooter attack at the university for students, faculty, and security staff, as well as social awareness training in order for everyone at the university to have the ability to identify a potential threat. We also purchased walkie-talkies in order for the security staff to communicate, because they currently do not have any working equipment."
Student Name:
Willows Academy, Class of 2023
National Security & Intelligence Internship
Summer Program:
Brigid W.
I heard about LI through a friend of mine, and I am so happy she told me because it truly has changed my life for the better. It is so hard to find education for this kind of topic as a junior in Highschool, I had been looking for a long time and by chance I was lucky enough to learn about this program. It was something I truly am considering for my future career, and I believe it has not only given me knowledge and skills for that career but also connections to help guide me through the process. I believe my favorite part was working with my team and getting to know them. I do not know anyone who shares interests like this and so meeting my group was a unique experience that I very much enjoyed. I would like to say thank you to all the LI staff who made this possible and truly a great experience for me."
Student Name:
Glenwood Springs High School , Class of 2021
Summer Program:
Dalton D.
National Security &
Intelligence Internship
National Security & Intelligence Internship
My experience with the National Security and Intelligence summit was extremely insightful and furthered my interest in the counterterrorism field as my future. Some of the highlights included having valuable lectures and conversations with individuals such as Rusty Capps, Barbara Clark, and Ben Taylor each of whom I look up to and aspire to emulate within my future career hopefully as an FBI agent. My accomplishments within the internship include receiving valuable and positive feedback from the guests and partners. While also reducing my fear of public speaking due to gaining tips and advice from experts that have allowed me to be confident and better equipped for presentations. I also was able to pass all exams we took before the start of the internship with 100 percent and remain competitive throughout as well. In regards to the final project, my team and I received approval for our solution to improve communication within Yobe State University against Boko Haram. The measures we have chosen to implement include walkie talkies to establish better communication with the military, a siren system with practice drills to ensure students reach the safe area quickly, and also secure storage to help ensure the durability and accountability of these devices."
Student Name:
Deltona High School , Class of 2021
Summer Program:
Mariana S.
National Security &
Intelligence Internship
National Security & Intelligence Internship
What was one thing that surprised you about the online format? I was surprised that our team was able to collaborate so easily on our solutions. Since it was online, I expected there to be miscommunications and other problems, but it went smoothly."
Student Name:
Lambert High School , Class of 2023
Summer Program:
Shreya M.
National Security &
Intelligence Internship
National Security & Intelligence Internship
As a part of Leadership Initiatives, I helped create a security plan to be implemented for a security company in Nigeria protecting a university from a terrorist group. Boko Haram wants to stop the spread of western education through Northern Nigeria and uses extreme violent methods to do so. My team and I created solutions to try and stop the terrorist group from harassing Yobe State University. Our solution consisted of creating social awareness manuals and pamphlets, while also establishing a plan in case of an active shooter. We talked to some of the best experts in the National Security and Intelligence fields, such as Rusty Capps, Bill Stefan, and Lyne Clark. Our final project aligned with the other teams because we believed that the best way to help our security company in Nigeria was to work together."
Student Name:
Fairfax High School, Class of 2021
Summer Program:
Aditya K.
National Security &
Intelligence Internship