Neel Godbole

William Mason High School
Class of 2024

Diagnosed a real patient from the Nagari Medical Clinic & Maternity Ward in Bauchi State, Nigeria.

Developed a public health campaign for communities in Sub-Saharan Africa for implementation in 2023.

Demonstrated mastery of clinical skills including cardiopulmonary resuscitation, suturing, and venipuncture procedures.

Learn more about Neel here.

Neel Godbole(graduating class of 2024) is thrilled to be participating in the Advanced Medical & Public Health Internship this summer. Growing up, Neel has always sparked an interest in finding out how the human body is capable enough to have the ability and necessities to do a wide number of actions. Neel states that he is thankful to everyone for allowing him to further advance his possible future endeavors in the Medical field.

As a rising senior at William Mason High School, Neel is an honor roll student who is enrolled in both Advanced Placement and Honors courses. Recently, Neel and some of his peers started one of the first Hindu Clubs in the Nation “The Hindu Student Association.” The purpose to start the club stemmed from his early elementary years when he was met face to face with negative connotations, false information, and pure racism when being taught about his religion. Additionally, Neel serves on the National Honors Society within his local school with a pledge to maintain and encourage high standards of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. In school, Neel participates on his school’s Speech and Debate team, alongside his commitment to Hope Squad, a mental health and suicide prevention group that serves to accomplish its goal to end the stigma surrounding mental health. He also helped in the revival of his school’s Med Club and became the secretary. Outside of school, Neel has been playing cricket for his region for 4 years now and has competed in many tournaments. Additionally, he is a national qualifier for WCA´s Rubik’s Cube which he hopes to continue doing as a side hobby.

Neel hopes that he will be able to contribute to having a beneficial influence on people’s lives all around the world and is eager to be able to change the world around him. Neel is excited to get to know his peers from various areas. Neel hopes that this program will help him in getting a better grasp of what it’s like to be a doctor.

Read more about Neel’s achievements here.

My Diagnosis

The Advanced Medical & Public Health Internship diagnosis is the first-ever program of its kind. I not only got to work with the top medical professionals from around the world, but I had the unique opportunity to learn about and practice patient examination, evaluation, and diagnosis.

Through virtual reality technology, I was connected with a clinic and maternity ward in Bauchi State, Nigeria where I was able to interact with my patients in real-time. Supervised by a doctor in Nigeria, I examined & diagnosed my patient using my diagnostic training on the top 4 leading causes of death in Nigeria; malaria, typhoid fever, nutritional anemia, & acute respiratory infections (ARI).

These patients were locals from Bauchi State that were all ill and would normally not be able to afford medical treatment as they earn $1.25 a day or less. In return for working with our participants, all of their treatments were funded by Leadership Initiatives.

In 2023, Leadership Initiatives was able to fund the treatment of all patients participating in this program.

My Public Health

I learned about four of the most pertinent diseases in the developing world from medical professionals including Dr. Aisha Garba-Aliyu, medical doctor and public health expert in Nigeria. 

With their guidance, I gained a better understanding of the signs and symptoms correlated with different stages and severities of malaria, typhoid fever, acute respiratory infections (ARIs), and nutritional anemia. I also developed cultural competencies and a global perspective to assess the structural and social determinants of health that underlie these diseases.

With the help of collaborating directly with development and public health experts to develop an impactful educational public health campaign. The campaign is specifically tailored to address the needs of underserved communities in Bauchi, aiming to raise awareness about Anemia and promote positive behavioral changes. Throughout the internship, I immersed myself in rigorous research and analysis to ensure the campaign’s effectiveness and relevance to the local population.

The process of creating the public health campaign was both challenging and rewarding. I conducted in-depth research on prevalent health concerns in the targeted communities, identifying key areas where intervention and awareness were essential for improving public health outcomes. Collaborating with mentors and fellow interns, I formulated innovative strategies to engage the community, ensuring the campaign’s messages would resonate with the intended audience.

Leadership Initiatives, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is committed to fostering the growth of future leaders worldwide by providing experiential learning opportunities. 

Our ultimate goal was to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health and well-being, fostering lasting improvements in community health.

As the internship concluded, I had the opportunity to showcase the culmination of my work and research. Presenting my research proposal about Anemia’s Diagnosis to a panel of esteemed judges allowed me to demonstrate the depth of my understanding and commitment to the cause. The experience not only bolstered my presentation and communication skills but also reaffirmed my passion for public health and the potential positive impact such initiatives can have on communities around the world.

Clinical Skills Training


I learned how to draw blood using a phlebotomy arm simulator. Using this simulator allowed me to practice placing a needle in a vein to draw blood with realistic tissue-like material that imitates vein-wall resistance.

During this exercise, the medical facilitator instructed me on the proper technique and helped me improve the communication skills that I will use with future patients.


I learned about laparoscopy, which is a minimally invasive operation that allows physicians to observe and assess the abdomen or pelvis using small incisions and cameras. It is an invaluable tool for developing diagnoses and interventions.

Once I was familiarized with the function of this technology, I had the unique opportunity to apply this knowledge to perform a simulated laparoscopy.


I also worked with EMT instructors to learn how to perform multiple times of emergency resuscitation techniques including a manual esophageal intubation and a manual resuscitation airway mask.

The EMT helped me understand the proper situations to utilize different resuscitation and breathing assistance techniques and the proper equipment needed.

Internship Highlights

During this internship, I had the opportunity to learn from top medical professionals across various fields and specialties, including surgery, emergency medicine, and medical research. 

Among these experts were Dr. Rachel Selekmen, a pediatric urologist and telehealth specialist, who shared insights into her career trajectory and a day in her life as a surgeon at Children’s National Hospital in DC. Additionally, Dr. James Giordano, Chief of Georgetown University’s Neuroethics Studies Program, provided valuable knowledge about his career and passion for neuroscience. 

Through these interactions, I gained a comprehensive understanding of the responsibilities associated with each medical specialty and learned how to pursue these careers.

Under the mentorship of Dr. Garba-Aliyu, I learned essential skills in patient interviewing and disease investigation techniques. Throughout the program, I honed my abilities in collecting, interpreting, and critically analyzing patient data. 

Dr. Garba-Aliyu’s guidance significantly enhanced my capacity to synthesize and evaluate information, crucial for the diagnostic process. These exercises allowed me to improve my communication skills for the effective evaluation of patients.

Dr. Garba-Aliyu’s expertise also provided me with a comprehensive understanding of current practices in Nigerian medicine. Meeting and learning from real patients allowed me to gain a deep appreciation for the lived experiences of individuals in Nigeria, influencing my perspective on implementing effective strategies in my campaign to combat infectious diseases.

During the course of the internship, I had the invaluable opportunity to acquire fundamental clinical skills that have significantly enhanced my medical knowledge and expertise. Among the essential skills I learned were taking vital signs and conducting comprehensive neurological exams.

When it came to discussing vital signs, we delved into various methods of accurately measuring a patient’s pulse. Through hands-on practice and guidance from experienced mentors, I mastered each method, gaining the confidence to calculate heart rates in patients of all ages and conditions. 

The ability to accurately take vital signs and perform neurological exams ensures that patients receive the necessary care promptly, enhancing their chances of successful treatment and recovery. 

Learning cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a vital skill that empowers individuals to respond effectively during critical life-threatening situations. CPR involves a combination of chest compressions and rescue breaths, aiming to maintain blood circulation and oxygenation in a person whose heart has stopped beating or is experiencing breathing difficulties. 

By acquiring CPR training, I am equipped to provide immediate assistance to victims of cardiac arrest, drowning, or other medical emergencies, significantly increasing their chances of survival. 

Moreover, learning CPR instills a sense of confidence and preparedness, enabling individuals to act promptly and decisively in times of crisis. Whether in the workplace, community settings, or at home, possessing CPR knowledge serves as a crucial link in the chain of survival and demonstrates our collective responsibility to safeguard the well-being of others in times of dire need.

In one of the leading interactive activities of the internship, I learned and practiced multiple suturing techniques on a human-skin model. Under the expert guidance of medical professionals, I delved into the intricacies of suturing, mastering various techniques and understanding their applications in different medical scenarios. 

The experience provided invaluable insights into the essential tasks performed by doctors and nurses, underscoring the significance of suturing as a fundamental skill in patient care and wound management. 

As I practiced with dedication and received constructive feedback from mentors, I felt my confidence grow in handling the delicate and precise aspects of medicine.

In addition to suturing, this internship offered opportunities to explore various other medical procedures, including the application of plaster casts. These activities broadened my understanding of the multifaceted nature of medicine and illuminated the diverse skill set required in healthcare settings.