Linda's journey began in Peekskill, New York, and led her to graduate from Wagner College, where she met her future husband, Carmine. With a Bachelor of Science in Education, Linda embarked on her teaching career at St. Patrick's in Yorktown Heights, New York. Her passion for education led her to earn a Master's degree in education from Western Connecticut State University. In 1977, Linda moved overseas to Medan, Indonesia, and later to Jakarta, where she taught at the Medan International School before embracing the role of motherhood.
In her later years, Linda continued her teaching career in Westchester County, New York, and Fairfax County, Virginia, where she obtained a second Master's degree from George Mason University.
Linda was a devout Catholic with an unwavering love for family and friends. An avid reader, she dedicated many years to volunteering with "Food for Others," preparing meals for the Reston Family Shelter, Youth Apostles, and students at the George Mason University Catholic chapel.

Ten partial scholarships to attend the Leadership Initiatives Advanced Medical & Public Health Internship

1. Your academic interests
2. Your future education plans
3. How your future aspirations align with Linda's legacy
4. Your bio and bio picture